The Montana State Fair Has Been Making Me Reminisce About My Childhood

With the fair in town, I can't help but think of my parents, my stupid brother, and all the fun we used to have at the Montana State Fair.

Fair Rides

I Thought Every Fair Was Like This Fair

First thing that happens when you grow up a Central Montana kid, is you find out there are fairs all over the state that aren't NEAR as cool as the Montana State Fair here in Great Falls.

YIKES: Are Your Outlets Bleeding You Dry?

Mom and Dad didn't really take Mike and me to the tiny fairs, so I really was a grown-up when the realization hit that some fairs encompass no more than a football field. Not that that is bad, it's not bad at all.  It was just a bit of a surprise as all.

Summers Are Busy For Farmers, But We Always Went To The Fair

It wasn't until I grew up that I realized what an undertaking going to the fair must have been for my dad. Don't get me wrong, that boy LOVED the fair. Thing is, our fair happens right around harvest. Somehow, my parents always brought us to Great Falls for not one day of the fair, but 2.

My folks would give my brother and me $20 and go sit in the beer gardens while we rode the rides and played games. Looking back, what a glorious time to be a kid the 70's were. Not safe.  Not safe at all. But being a kid in the 70's KICKED ASS!

One year, they sent us to a concert. Mine and Mike's first concert was Weird Al at Montana State Fair. Those memories never die, even if your brother sucks.

Fair Game
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Why This Trip Down Memory Lane?

My mom is getting up there in years and this girl right here really misses her daddy.

Trust me when I tell you it's true when they say you don't know what you got 'til it's gone.

Go to the fair, make memories that will last a lifetime. It really is worth it, and you won't regret it years down the road.

And call your parents.

Free Fun For Montana State Fair in Great Falls 2024

You don't have to spend a lot to enjoy the fair for this year. We've gathered a bunch of free ways to take in the action for 2024 and help ease the pain on your pocketbook.

Gallery Credit: JD Knight

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Touring is expensive, but it sure can be lucrative, too. 

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Exclusive Photo Tour of Butte's Spooky Old Hospital

The Old St. James Hospital is iconic in many ways, but it's claimed to be very haunted as well. Turns out, it just needs a little love. Here's an exclusive tour of the famous "abandoned" building in Butte, MT.

Gallery Credit: Devon Brosnan