What 10 Towns Are The Most Secluded In Montana?

One thing I and many other Montana residents love about our state is that our population is so small.

Even if you live in one of the bigger cities under the Big Sky, you don't have to drive very far, and you can find yourself all alone in the great outdoors.

Where To Go When You Just Want To Get Away

Recently, however, we've seen a huge influx of people moving to the Treasure State, which means we're bumping into people more often than we used to.

However, the majority of people moving to Montana all seem to be heading to either Bozeman or Kalispell, as both of these places have seen some of the biggest growth in the state since Covid.

Thankfully, there are still places that you can live where life moves just a little bit slower and the streets aren't so busy.

A road sign on a empty highway that says "middle of nowhere"

Montana's Secluded Hidden Gems

The following 10 towns all have something different and unique to offer those looking for a change.

It could be anything from fishing, rafting, or hiking, or maybe you just want to move to a secluded place and relax away from others.

Oh, and don't worry; these places aren't so far out in the boonies that there isn't running water or electricity.

See 10 Of The Most Secluded Towns In Montana

According to Home Stratosphere these are the 10 most secluded towns in Montana.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

LOOK: The Most Redneck Towns In Montana

These towns are considered by the "experts" at RoadSnacks to be the most redneck towns in Montana.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

KEEP READING: These 10 Counties Are Easily The Most Rural In All Of Montana

Thanks to Stacker.com we're able to rank the top 10 most rural counties in Montana. All statistics credited to Stacker.

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern