Bulls for Blue to Support the Montana FFA
The National FFA is the largest agricultural based intracurricular youth organization in the United States. There are several functions of the FFA, but one of the most important is the education and guidance for the future leaders of our world. Members start as young as 7th grade in Montana, building a course of knowledge and experiences that will benefit them a lifetime.
The FFA consists of three groups of members that run the organization in a partnership format.
- The association, which consists of the individual members and chapters led by the state FFA Advisor and State FFA Officers (National FFA has a National Advisor and national Officers).
- The Alumni, which consists of former members and anyone that supports the organization and the Foundation that is the money arm of the three groups.
- The Foundation raises funds to help support the association in many of the yearlong activities.
What is Bulls for Blue?
The Bulls for Blue program supports Montana FFA and the future of beef production. How do you get involved? Donate 15% off of lot 10 at your sale to the MT FFA Foundation. The funds will be used to support MT FFA including your local chapter. You can request help from your local chapter with the sale for set up/take down, meal serving etc. If that chapter helps with the sale, 5% of the proceeds will go to them with 10% going to the Montana FFA Foundation (If the local chapter is unable to help, all 15% will go to the Foundation). Proceeds are used to help the Foundation provide scholarships and SAE grants. Breeders who participate will be given due recognition and will receive two tickets to the Montana FFA Foundation donor dinner at State Convention.
How to learn more.
Call (406) 925-0924 or email Morgan Kuntz, Montana FFA Foundation Director of Development at development@montanaffa.org
You can also go to Montana FFA to learn more about the benefits and activities that our future Ag and Industry Leaders are doing.
Information provided by: Montana FFA Foundation, Morgan Kuntz, Director of Development
Picture credit: Randy Bogden